Hello, I’m
Dr. Alauna
I want you to know, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. In fact, you are far from alone; we are all connected in trauma. Through this site, I hope to offer you an effective path to emotional, psychological and spiritual healing. As a Board-Certified Psychiatrist, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of complex psychological trauma and related mental health conditions, I have diagnosed and provided intensive trauma treatment for US Military veterans for the last 12 years. After years of studying and teaching the most evidence-based trauma treatment interventions currently available, I began to recognize that psychological trauma was present at the core of any mental illness. Whether you realize it or not, you and someone you know is experiencing the debilitating and life altering impact of individual and collective trauma. Once I understood the predictable patterns of thoughts and behavior, and the impact of traumatic experiences on a few specific brain systems, it became clear that these numbers significantly underestimate the prevalence of trauma. We believe that Empathy heals all trauma.
Dr Alauna has broad hope for America and all society. Her earnest desire is that the empathy message would resonate with all mankind everywhere.
join us for an upcoming event
& Online Training
From workshops to speaking engagements, from forums and panel discussions, Dr. Alauna is teaming up with practitioners, thought leaders, community organizers and influencers to host events that expose the myths about trauma and trauma treatment. Dr. Alauna hopes to denounce the stigmatism associated with mental illness by opening up authentic and transparent conversations where people of all walks of life can be informed in comfortable and engaging environments. Let’s Collaborate!
“Dr. Alauna is a phenomenal teacher! She breaks down complex topics and concepts into digestible pieces. She offers practical tools and equips you to implement meaningful actions immediately. I walked away feeling fortified. These tools will help me be a better woman, wife, mother, sister, friend, coach, trainer and every other role I play!
“Walking through trauma alone won’t get us to mental health; walking together will. Trauma is a spiritual illness, and empathy is the cure. Empathy is not just walking in someone else’s shoes. Go deeper; Empathy is walking in someone else’s MIND!” ”

Our skills over pills programs
& Guided Healing
Dr. Alauna is retired from clinical practice, meaning that she does NOT see patients one-to-one. Why? Because she’s the ONLY Trauma Psychiatrist and there are almost 8 billion people who could benefit from this information. Dr. Alauna’s unique understanding of the science of the psyche allows her education and coaching services to be incredibly effective, creating shifts in biological knowledge and immediate improvements in self-regulation. Dr. Alauna services include Speaking, Training and Group Coaching.
RE-CREATE Trauma Recovery Coaching
This ~12 week small group coaching program provides trauma-informed, empathy-centered experience - Empathy Skills Practice™ - for addressing the affects of the many psychological traumas participants have experienced. Grounded in brain-based education, combined with evidence-based cognitive tools (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy), Dr. Alauna coaches participants in mindfulness practices that significantly improve self-awareness and emotion regulation.
Create Trauma Recovery Action Plan
Weekly Content Sessions
RE-CREATE Facebook Group
As needed 1:1 Coaching w/ Dr. A
Curated articles and MH resources
Empathy Skills Practice™ Workbook
Empathetic Community for Healing
Special Guest Workshops
2 Tickets to The Trauma C.U.R.E. : Creators Using Radical Empathy™ virtual live education experience
Dr. Alauna swag and more
Empathy Skills PRactice Certification
Dr. Alauna designed her unique Empathy Skills Practice™ for Traumatized Humans modality when she noted several years ago a gigantic gap in access to trauma-informed, “Skills Over Pills™” approaches. ESP Certification is for professionals who desire to lead within their space, bringing the most effective, updated trauma-recovery modalities to their target audience.
Participants are selected by application only, with RE-CREATE Trauma Recovery Coaching as a prerequisite becoming certified in ESP™ is a 12 month, multi-level process that requires:
In-depth Primitive Brain System knowledge
Demonstration of mastery of ESP modality
Guided crafting of ESP presentation for your target audience with Dr. A team support
Observation, Coaching and Feedback regarding presentation
Speaker training to improve effectiveness
and more
ESP Certification can be applied in any industry, including Education (training students and/or teachers, staff, etc.), Human Resources, Mental Health and Medical Profession, Law Enforcement, Corporate spaces and beyond!
Trauma Recovery Academy Membership
Dr. Alauna regularly creates engaging, entertaining and informative content, which is hosted in the Trauma Recovery Academy. This site provides 24/7 access to incredible content that explains the key information you need to know in order to jumpstart your Trauma Recovery Journey. Dr. A believes that anyone should be able to access information about their brain, biology and how it influences their behavior!
While courses can be purchased individually, the best value is the Trauma Recovery Membership Bundle for only $97/month. TRA Members receive access to:
Empathy Skills Practice™ for Traumatized Humans
Master Your Trauma
Master Your Amygdala
Primitive Brain Systems Crash Course
Monthly ESP™ Coaching Group * (virtual)
*for TRA Members only
New content is added to the TRA Memberships regularly!
ESP Training for Your ORganization
Is your organization looking to improve their trauma-informed approach to assisting employees and staff?
Is your company putting an increased emphasis on empathy training and desire a fun and informative approach to changing company culture around mental health?
Book Dr. Alauna, Trauma Psychiatrist to lead your training! Past topics include:
Graceful Grieving
Breaking free from “Burnout”
Turning Traumas into Triumphs
Navigating New Paths after Layoffs
Healing from Financial Trauma
Addressing COVID-era Traumas
Addressing Trauma in the Classroom
Trauma Effects on first responders
Workplace PTSD
and more!
Dr. Alauna customizes her presentation to the needs of your organization. Fill out the Book Dr. Alauna form today to start the process of bringing Trauma Recovery to your organization.
“Dr. Alauna teachings will transform how you interact with yourself and others. If practiced and studied you can recreate your personality and recreate the life you have always wanted to live.”
“Retraining the brain is the beginning of all trauma recovery. Empathy Skills Practice Heals. ”

Danny (2022 Participant) says
“RE-CREATE helped me be mindful that I see everything through my filter, which is often biased. So I’m learning to look at things more objectively. The material is great and helpful for both inner peace and for interaction with others.”
Demetria (2022 Participant) says
“Dr. Alauna is a phenomenal teacher! Her expertise in trauma and trauma recovery skills are unparalleled. Anyone who is interested in transforming their life should participate in her programs.”
Antonio (2022 Participant) says
“I attended Dr. Alauna's RE-CREATE Coaching Program and it has restructured the way I think, feel, and respond by teaching me how brain systems work while harnessing its power to overcome past trauma and barriers for success. This life-defining class helped me to recreate self-confidence within myself, improve personal and business relationships, and reduced stress levels; I now have the tools and assurance in my ability to make better decisions for my future.”